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Use of Hashtag in Social Media Marketing | Get 1 Millions Followers

Use of Hashtag in Social Media Marketing | Get 1 Millions Followers

Konten [Tampil]
Is hashtagging still a thing? Yes! And you'd be foolish not to use it, let me show you how. What is the deal with hashtags? That's my terrible Seinfeld impression. Welcome to my website Social Media Strategy, where there'll never be a Seinfeld impression again! This is where we teach you how to do the best possible social media, in the least amount of time possible. 

Hashtags, I get asked about a fair bit, and yes they're still a thing. People tend to react when you bring up hashtags, like, "Oh I love them," or, "Ugh, I hate them," or, "What they hell are they?" 

So, let's get into hashtags and where you should be using them. You can find hashtags on almost all the social networks.I see them on LinkedIn, on Pinterest.

But the two main places you should be using them are Twitter, and Instagram. I use them sometimes on Facebook, that's usually just because I want the word to show up blue in a big long thing. 

What is the purpose of a hashtag on social media?

Facebook has actually admitted to me themselves that their hashtag system is kinda buggy, not the greatest thing in the world. 

So let's start with Twitter. Twitter is where hashtags were born, and you can still get more reach (getting people to see your tweets that don't actually follow you) by using them. Of course Twitter is still limited to 140 characters, so you can't bombard it with hashtags, but you can throw a few in. I've also found success by having hashtags in my bio. 

For example, in my bio you'll see the #socialmedia, and I find that people tend to follow me after discovering me through that hashtag. The other way to take advantage is to see what hashtags are trending each day, and then you could tweet with that hashtag. If it's trending, odds are somebody has clicked on it and they're looking at what people are saying around that particular topic. 
I will say, if you're a bigger company, it can backfire. If you do a search for "hashtags gone wrong" you'll find lots of stories of how hashtags got screwed up for bigger companies. If you're a smaller company it's a little bit lower risk because people aren't paying attention quite as much. 

Let's move on to Instagram. This is where hashtags are huge, even though you may not see them that often because they're hidden in the comments. Getting your content seen on Instagram, even from people who are following you, has gotten tougher and tougher because Facebook has put their algorithm there. 

Therefore if the content doesn't start working really quickly, they'll stop showing it to people. But you can still reach people through hashtags. 

For example, a lot of people love photos and videos of food, so they might browse #foodporn. I have 2 Tiny Humans, sometimes they're difficult, and sometimes when I get stressed out, once I get a break I'll go on there and check out #dadlife, and just look for other dads that are also struggling,just to know that I'm not alone.

Read More Free Tool Gets Instagram Photos To Automatically Show Up On Twitter | Get 1 Millions Followers

Why are hashtags important for social media campaigns?

The lesson here? Use hashtags on Instagram. You can put them in the comments, the first comment of your post instead of the actual post, to keep them looking a little bit cleaner. 

There is a limit on how many hashtags you can use. Last I heard it was 30, but Instagram does change that sometimes, but use as many as you can to get people to see your content. 

How do you figure out which hashtags to use? Go to Instagram, and search for different hashtags. 

For example I search for #socialmedia and then I see #socialmediamarketing, and anything else that comes up. Other relevant hashtags, start typing them in, and Instagram will show you exactly how many people are using them. 

Does putting hashtags in the comments work?

Now, you should probably use some of the most popular hashtags, but keep in mind those ones are the most crowded as well. So you may want to find some that are, maybe, in the middle - you might find more reach that way. 

Finally, a time saving tip, because that's what we do here, save your hashtags, either in a note on your phone, or if you use scheduling software like I do with Buffer, you can go ahead and save them in your content calendar. That way you can copy and paste the most basic ones, and then add specific ones for whatever that image or video happens to be. Thank you very much for visit. 

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